Wonder woman shield

My daughter is a huge Wonder Woman fan, so when she turned 7, I made her a shield to match her store bought WW Costume/Dress.

The main structure is Repurposed EVA foam floor mats, with 3mm craft foam cut outs for detailing.

I went a little overboard on the handle arrangement, wrapping a paired
section of the puzzle edging strips in colored leather-esque vinyl and blocking it up from the inside face with more EVA. It didn't quite fit together perfectly, but for a first proper prop build I'm giving myself some slack. Publicly anyway...


the joins on the front face of the W logo were... not good. so I've gone back and patched them up with Acrylic gap filler, as well as a few divots and blemishes in the foam faces and repaited the whole thing again so it's more show ready, not that she'll want to be Wonder Woman by the time the next convention rolls around haha

I made a new shoulder strap out of braided cord with sewn vinyl attachment goobers and Caribeeners as well.


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